Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Les Canadiens aiment le B52's

My first lesson in Montreal : Dont trust the cab drivers and my second lesson: the Candaians love, and by love I mean LOVE , them some B52's . Last night was the last night of the big Jazz festival and the headlining act was ofcourse, The B52's they started at 930 so we headed out at around 850 from our dorm which is a 1 minute walk from the festival. Only to find that all of the mainstage area had already  been blocked off because as has been stated, apparently the Canadians LOVE themselves some B52's , and after last night I have to say who am I to judge them ??!?
Anyways, did we let the thousands and thousands of people and blocked off entrances stop us from getting a view of the mainstage ?? Absolutly not.
Did we sneak into the Hyatt pretending to be guest so we could utalize the view from their rooftop bar ?

Here are a couple of pictures I snapped during the concert
 this second one is definatly my favorite, its hard to make them out but in the gray areas its just thousands of people.
 After the concert was over we were pretty exhausted from walking, we saw this doughnut shoppe ( I always forget the name of it but it is like the equivilant of a dunkin doughnuts) being that it was the 4th of July and we were missing out on fireworks back home - what better way to get some red white and blue running through our vains than to fill said vains with sugar-lots and lots of sugar
 Just when we really started scoping out the doughnuts we heard somthing outside....Could it be ??
 IT WAS ! Fireworks! We got to have our fourth of July fireworks afterall !!
I got a few pictures on my camera ( Mom, I know I always give you props for this camera but thanks agian, this has lasted me like 4 years and for a point and shoot has some of the best settings EVERRR )
 Was Hulk Hogans old entrance song "I am a real American" playing in my head during all of this ? ....
 YEAH ! (duh)
So, in the end we got to have our B52's and our Cake (or rather doughnuts) and eat it too and suprise  Fireworks ontop of all that .
International 4th of July/ B52's concert/first real night = A great Success !

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