Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Altitude Club 737

This Friday night we had group excursion to Altitude Club 737 in Montreal. None of us were really the night at the roxberry 'clubbing' type BUT courtasy of UQUAM we got to go for free and this club is on the rooftop of one of the highest buildings in Montreal- we heard the veiw was breathtaking so we couldnt miss out. The invite said "dress to impress" so it was also fun to all get dressed up together for the big night out
 A "prom style" picture of the girls

 All the mason girls ! Reppin' GMU lol

The line to get in was ofcourse, in traditionally 'clubby' style, extremely long so we had lots of time for photo op's. Me and My Roomate/Other Half on this trip Abbey
Although the line was long once we got in and up to the top it was so worth it. The veiw was amazing, my camera couldnt really capture how awesome the view was. We were so high up that when we took the elevator our ears popped. You could see the whole city for miles and miles. Tres Bien !!
One last pic of Abbey and I after finally making it up to the top of 737. Oh what a night ! Im glad we got to experience it !

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