Monday, July 4, 2011

It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

and by 'it' I mean both the 'Im traveling and studying and its hott out!' fedora
AND the ridiculous self taken pictures that always seem to occur when I wear 'it'

This morning we took our placement tests for classes; we were alloted a time frame from 9:45 until 11 to finish these and told "if you dont know it dont guess just stop filling it out and turn it in" at exactly 9:46 I was finished, only able to answer one question I moved onto the oral exam ..which did not take much longer. All I will say is there is quite a large amount of room for improvment. Hopfully 6 weeks from now Ill look back and be like 'oh remember the first day when I could hardly speak any french' but it will sound more like "OH souvenir de la première journée, quand je pouvais difficilement parler tout français" because I will be speaking french.

After the tests I went out with roomates in pursuit of a little tote bag to use for class. I wanted to loose the risk of breaking my brothers borrowed backpack (are you reading this Jimmy?? I care about your backpack and making sure it finishes its legacy with you at WHS senior year! I refuse to stand in the way of that!). Once we started shopping it did not take long to find where forever 21 is located in the city. Needless to say we were all very happy

This shirt perfectly describes my wadrobe here.

 We spent a couple of hours roaming the streets today and exploring, Montreal is a beautiful city, very eclectic. There are buildings like the one pictured below all over the place.
 This last picture is of the area thats in the center of the city, very close to UQUAM. Its all set up for the last day of the Jazz Festival (aka location of B52's concert tonight ! Horayy)

We've been lucky to have awesome weather too ! Although I wouldn't mind if it were to get a few degrees colder ( but now that I have my summer studies fedora I am all  set even if the tempurature never drops)

Tomarrow after class, which I have a feeling will be pretty difficult, we get to try poutine a very popular dish here that consists of french fries covered in gravy and goat cheese. Expect pictures !

jusqu'à tomarrow au' revoir !

ps. Happy 4th of July everyone back home !!

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