Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Altitude Club 737

This Friday night we had group excursion to Altitude Club 737 in Montreal. None of us were really the night at the roxberry 'clubbing' type BUT courtasy of UQUAM we got to go for free and this club is on the rooftop of one of the highest buildings in Montreal- we heard the veiw was breathtaking so we couldnt miss out. The invite said "dress to impress" so it was also fun to all get dressed up together for the big night out
 A "prom style" picture of the girls

 All the mason girls ! Reppin' GMU lol

The line to get in was ofcourse, in traditionally 'clubby' style, extremely long so we had lots of time for photo op's. Me and My Roomate/Other Half on this trip Abbey
Although the line was long once we got in and up to the top it was so worth it. The veiw was amazing, my camera couldnt really capture how awesome the view was. We were so high up that when we took the elevator our ears popped. You could see the whole city for miles and miles. Tres Bien !!
One last pic of Abbey and I after finally making it up to the top of 737. Oh what a night ! Im glad we got to experience it !

Quebec City

Last weekend we went on a day trip to Quebec City, it was beautiful !
Here are a few pictures from the day
 My awesome roomate Abbey and I outside of Parlaiment
 Fountains :)

 Beautiful old streets
 We also visited the biggest waterfall in Quebec, it was the biggest waterfall I have ever been to (although according to most of the group 'it was no Niagra Falls') but to these fresh waterfall eyes it was breathtaking !
 I got as close as I could with out getting drenched
although Quebec City was beautiful, we were ready to go by the end. After a long day of exploring the cit we spent our last 45 minutes or so laying out and napping in a park, looking through our photographs getting ready for the bus ride home to Montreal

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mont Royal

During the weekdays we go on many a great tours here in Montreal, last week was Old Montreal this week was Mont Royal Montreal, a beautiful old neighborhood that is now the trendy part of town  
 A picture of us all walking through one of the oldest Alleys
 My Roomate caught me being ridiculous (suprise suprise) in the Mont Royal famers market
 Awesome Graffiti, although this picture is from St. Dennis St at the end of our tour not from Mont Royal
Balconys are very important in Mont Royal  we learned on the tour, because back in the day people would not have money to go on vacations in the summer so they would instead sit on their balcony eating good food and drinking good wine relaxing and people watching from above. I like the sounds of it, good conversation and people watching with those you love can sometimes be the best break of all.  Ah simplicity.

Communication Workshops

Our Communication Workshops are AWESOME. Tres Tres Bien ! End of Story.

Our professor Alice dancing us into learning french with one of my classmates last week.
Still makes me smile
This is also the day my infamous dance 'le Libre Fache' (the Angry Librarian) began to get its fame . Hopfully I can find the video to post with it 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Le Biodome

Thursday we went to the Biodome. I didn't know anything about it before we went- all this french learning and online english 302 has taken up all my usual googling/planning time. So I was pleased to find out its basically a really awesome giant dome (as it sounds like) leftover from when it was used as the space for indoor cycling in the Olympics, and now its basically like a big zoo- but the animals arnt really in cages. You walk a path and they are in a seperate area but theres nothing really seperating you. It also creates the enviornment of where the animal is from (so half of it is like walking through the rainforest- hott humid and loud) I loved this place, its always fun to see animals !
 Me out front in that tourist pose that I can't stop making
 this is what the inside looked like
 we saw loud parrots
and glow fish
 the fish made me miss Stella (my fish)
We also got to walk through a batcave. Below is what I would look like if I were a bat
 adorable little monkey with the cutest face- but I think he knew how cute his face was because everytime I tried to take a picture he would turn or cover his face- he was playing hard to get (and won)
 I think that it was turtle mating season because every turtle (or rather group of turtles) I saw (about 4 or 5 different groups) were positioned as so:
 Stella I found a new home for you !
 We got to see cute energetic puffins
 and penguins ! (and a real live Biodome employee !)

 I think this fish could sense that I am a fish lover- he came right up to me.
Stella <3

and ofcourse I ended the outing by doing my tourist pose one last time infront of the sign on the way out

Hooray Biodome!

A little slice of heaven

On Wednesday night we went on a cultural outing that was pure magic ! We got to go to the new Jean Paul Gualtier exhibit at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. This exhibit is the first one dedicated soley to Gaultier and showcases his work from the past 35 years. Back in the day he earned the reputation of fasions terrible enfante (the terrible child) with his edgy designs - hes the guy that created Madonnas infamous cone bras, nowadays hes working closely with Lady Gaga (sighh). I took about a billion pictures but just added a few from the night here. The exhibit was great, I loved it although I am a bit biased I think it would be enlightening and enjoyable for everyone (except maybe children under 13)
The infamous cone bra's

 Dressed from head to toe

 Joe- cute outfit for our next date ?? oui ? ( I dont know why I put question marks- its not a question I got you the outfit I know how much you love bell bottems)

 A photograph of  Madonna with Gaultier
tre bien !

Abby and I (in my now almost pattented tourist pose- its all I ever do anymore) infront of le display

such fun ! Im still excited I was in town for this exhibit ! yay Montreal

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


About 45 minutes into our Poutine adventure today at the Bar an older man came up to me and handed me this painting. He was an artist- in his late 40's (ish?) and had drawn/painted me from accross the terrace. O' la la. Although reluctant I had to go over and say thank you for the beautiful paiting. We spoke only for a little because of the language barreir, he was quite the character
 I began
"Im Sorry I do not know much French but thank you, Merci, for the painting its beautiful, tre bien!"
then he says
"Ah well I do not understand much English, but I understand beauty and I understand your face"
a realll (pickup) artist
I glanced over to his table - he was 3/4 into a pitcher of Sangria - that explained it all !

Our conversation went on a few minutes more but due to the lack of a common language it basically just repeated that a bunch with a few random other words
He seemed to be quite the character and if it wernt for the language barrier, unfamiliar city and other safety issues I would have loved to have a conversation with him over some sangria because I bet he could tell some crazy stories and I liked his style !
(and by style I mean straight chillen at a local bar during happy hour sippin on a pitcher (not just a glass a pitcher) of sangria and painting random mini-paintings of whatever/whoever he felt like to give away at his leisure)